
Cartier Ronde Louis Cartier Watch

In all of the geometry, the circle is the perfect representative. Always in the center circle, circle distance any two points must be equal. Therefore, since ancient times, people just so honored, "circular" because it symbolizes the cycle of all things, the endless eternal law. In China, the round is always represented perfection, fun, and complete good fortune. In China, construction, technology, painting, drama and other art forms, we all can be found in "round" for the United States examples.

Leaders in the world, Cartier watch latest "Ronde Louis Cartier", we can see that perfect. Although the classic Roman numerals with Arabic numerals in the clock display showing the pure French style, but that harmony of form, is very consistent with the Chinese people to pursue "perfection" of the aesthetic, so that we can not help think of many with the " round, "the beautiful picture. In the classic case of the circular, there are delicate circular gear tirelessly to turn, leading the delicate hands, a white circular dial within a constant rotation. The watch, if that is a perfect microcosm, each part like a moon and stars, incomparably precise rotation revolution; and like all things, by its own cyclical rhythm of these to "round" as track the movement of produce and the external universe the resonance, as if a magic magic, linking the natural and human, creating a valuable time.

Recognizing this, as if the significance of wearing the watch have become no longer the same, because we have our own universe, we are their world. Lu Yika sub circular watch pure and perfect, low-key moderate, but has a rich cultural heritage and strong brand appeal as a huge attraction, irresistible.

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com
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